Craziest facts about Mars | You will Shock


Mar has the name After the Roman war. Mars is Also known as the Red Planet. Because it is a mixture of soil, and rock and made from iron oxide which gives the soil a red lust color. It is the craziest fact about Mars | You will shock.

You may believe you are an expert on the planet that is fourth from the sun but are you really? Here are some OUTRAGEOUS facts about our favorite planet, Mars. The air present on the earth is thinner than that on the earth. On our earth, 21 percent of the air is oxygen, and on Mars, 0.13 percent makes the air. 

Mars has the Two Mons (Deimos and Phobos)

Some Crazies Facts about Mars.

The gravity of Mars is weaker than the Gravity of Earth

Here we go, Mars, has 4217 miles in diameter smaller than our planet Earth. But the Gravity of Mars and Earth is considerable. The weaker gravity of Mars is that our muscles are less stressed, pushed on our skeleton system. But the bodies of human which visits Mars need those structures less and less. The gravity of Mars is a maximum of 38 percent of the earth's gravity. This means that if we jump on Mars, we could jump 3x higher than on earth.

Mars is smaller As compared to Earth

According to the scheme of the solar system, Mars is pretty small. Mars have less massive, less dense than the earth, and Just a small plainer than our Earth. According to the scheme, It would take 6 Mars to fill up the volume of earth. Mars has more Temperature than the earth.

Life on Mars

Scientists have no evidence of life present on Mars. But according to scientists, it is the planet with the best condition to support life Because they found water under the surface of Mars. It is so near to our earth. Mars has a north or South Pole, like the earth. A day on Mars Lasts 24 hours and 37 minutes. One year on Mars is 687 days. It is the craziest fact about Mars. 

Season of Mars 

The Mars terraforming project is coming to an end and the season of Mars is imminent. The scheme of politicians, scientists, and bureaucrats has been put into action for two centuries. Red dust has been covering the ground and oceans have boiled away, but now a new land rises from the shores of the former sea. Yes Like Our earth, Mars has experience tilt in its axis which causes it to experience spring, summer, fall, and winter because the planet gets different amounts of sunlight on its surface as it orbits the sun

Evidence of water

Yes, NASA just made a public announcement stating that they had discovered signs of running water on the Martian surface. Dark streaks on the soil are a result of the water, and they appear to enlarge in the summer and contract in the winter. The public and scientists alike are starving for additional information now that the existence of water on other planets has been established, and maybe NASA will be able to provide so in the years to come


As we know, The air present on the earth is thinner than that on the earth. On our earth, 21 percent of the air is oxygen, and on Mars, 0. The gravity of Mars is weaker than the Gravity of Earth Here we go, Mars, has 4217 miles in diameter smaller than our planet Earth. But the Gravity of Mars and Earth is considerable. The weaker gravity of Mars is that our muscles are less stressed, pushed on our skeleton system. The gravity of Mars is a maximum of 38 percent of the earth's gravity. Mars is smaller Than compared to Earth According to the scheme of the solar system, Mars is pretty small. According to the scheme, It would take 6 Mars to fill up the volume of earth. Mars has more Temperature than the earth. It is the craziest fact about Mars.